The main products of BIOXA Ltd include medicine (pharmaceuticals) and medical devices of many international vendors. The company represents couple of foreign producers of medical devices and pharmaceuticals in the market of North Macedonia.

Beside the domestic market BIOXA LTD is re-exporting different range of products in the neighboring countries such as Albania and Kosovo.


Our team in the moment is compound by high-level professionals such as are: Pharmacists, Cosmetologists, Chemical Engineers, Technical pharmacists’, logistics and IT. As a fast-growing company BIOXA during this year has signed couple of public procurement agreements with the Ministry of Health, University Clinical Centers, Public Hospitals and other country institutions. Concerning the private medical business, we have cooperation and supply contracts with medical centers and pharmacies.

0% Quality
0 Countries
0+ Products
0 Years of experience
0 Happy Smiles


Products we represent


Rossmax, a leader in the global healthcare market, is committed to developing and supplying premium products and solutions with supreme technologies on a top quality level.

Broche Medikal

Since 2006, Broche Medikal have been producing disposable surgical gowns, drapes, drapes to protect the doctor, patient and surgical equipment in the medical sector.


We try to upgrade our palette with only the best products, created with unique technologies which will serve to our clients in the best way possible.